League Details

Rochester Pickleball League is a traveling inter club league including Fairport Pickleball Club, Dinkers, Shadow Lake and Tennis Club of Rochester. You do not need to be a club member to join!

The league is fixed partner with Men’s and Women’s options. Both partners must register and levels will be grouped according to skill.

Each Wednesday night, teams will play one other team in three games. Scores will be inputed and prizes will be awarded to top teams. Each team will play one another, one time.

  • A traveling, scored, partner pickleball league!

  • Everyone! Levels include beginner through 4.5 +!

  • Four local clubs - Fairport Pickleball Club, Dinkers, Shadow Lake + TCR!

  • This is a 7 week league (every Wednesday) beginning May 15th!

    Women play from 6:00 - 7:00 PM

    Men play from 7:00 - 8:00 PM

  • Club Members: $60 per person

    Non-members: $75 per person