What is DUPR?

DUPR is an acronym for Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating, which is commonly referred to as the most inclusive and accurate rating system in pickleball. It takes into account multiple playing formats, such as rec and tournament, uses a 3-digit system, and rates player attributes on the same scale.

Clubs that use DUPR can enter game results which can carry more weight than self reported game results.

How do I join the Valenti Pickleball Club DUPR?

1. Check to see if you have a DUPR profile.

  • You may have a DUPR profile, even if you did not create it, from past tournament play. If you see a profile with your personal information you can contact DUPR to claim it.

2. If you do not have a DUPR profile, create a login and complete the steps to create a profile.

3. Once you have a DUPR account, you can join DUPR clubs. Click on ‘Play’ in the left side menu and search for a Valenti Pickleball Club!

4. Once the club appears, click the ‘Join’ button. The club administrator will receive notification of your request and accept the invitation.